Saturday, August 20, 2011

Directory Structure For Software Automation Testing Project

  1. Common Directory Structure  - Automation Frame Work for the AutoIT Project
  2. Naming Convention
  3. Coding Convention
  4. Proper Comments
  5. Write proper precondition
Common Directory Structure  - Automation Frame Work for the AutoIT Project:

Note : Release Notes folder, where .doc file is included.

Naming Convention:
There is Naming Convention which are follows in the project.

Name of the variables
     For example:

Counter name (Write full description like “PASS instead of P / FAIL instead of F”)

Coding Convention:
Name of the Functions

     SC_NameOfTheRelatedScenario (Functions, which are placed in Scenariowise)
     TC_NameOfTheRelatedActivity (Functions, which are placed in TestCasewise)

In Conditional Statement, Variable Name is like, this
     <Name of Action_RowIncr / Name of Action_ColumnIncr>


      instead of           


     There are very importent to write proper comments at the time of making test script
     Comments are two types:
        Single line comments
        Multiple line comments (Block level)

     Precondition is very important to reaches our goal with the help of reproduction steps

Some performance testing code for autoit tool to desktop based application testing:

1. CPU Utilization
2. Memory Usage
3. Time Taken

   $log = FileOpen(@WorkingDir & "\." & ".\result\Result_PSoC_CPU&MemoryUsage.log", 1)
   $logs = FileOpen(@WorkingDir & "\." & ".\result\Result_PSoC_TimeoutError.log", 1)
      #include <Excel.au3>
      #include <File.au3>
      #include <array.au3>
 for $i = 1 to 120 Step +1

  If $i == 1 Then
   Run(@WorkingDir & "\." & ".\bin\SC_demoScripts\TC_drag&Drop.exe")

   Local $cpuincrement = 0
   Local $memincrement = 0
   Local $cpu = 0
   Local $cpu1 = 0
   Local $mem = 0
   Local $mem1 = 0
   Local $total = MemGetStats()
   Local $array = ProcessList("TC_drag&Drop.exe")
   Local $iPID = $array[1][1]
   Local $sProcess = $iPID
   for $j = 1 to 120 step +1
    if ProcessExists("TC_drag&Drop.exe") Then
     Local $load = Process($sProcess, 300 )
     if $load > 0 Then
      $cpu = $cpu + $load
      $cpuincrement = $cpuincrement + 1
     $mem1 = ProcessGetStats("TC_drag&Drop.exe",0)
     $mem = $mem + $mem1[1]
     $memincrement = $memincrement + 1
   if $memincrement >= 120 then
    ProcessClose("PSoC Creator 2.0.exe") 
    FileWriteLine($logs,"Timeout Error in TC_drag&Drop Script Execution.")
   if $cpu <> 0 Then
    $cpu = Round($cpu/$cpuincrement,2)

  $mem = Round((($mem/1048576)/$memincrement),2) 
  FileWriteLine($log, "                 ")
  FileWriteLine($log,"+++++ Cypress_PSoCreator +++++")
  FileWriteLine($log,"                  ")
  FileWriteLine($log,"***** Cypress_PSoCreator *****")
  FileWriteLine($log,"Process Name: "&$array[1][0])
  FileWriteLine($log,"Process PID: "&$array[1][1])
  Global $sFilePath1 = @WorkingDir & "\." & ".\result\Result_PSoC_Creator.xls"
  Global $oExcel1 = _ExcelBookAttach($sFilePath1)
   if $cpu <> 0 Then
    FileWriteLine($log,"Average CPU Usage In Percentage: "&$cpu&" %")
    _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel1, $cpu, 3, 4)
   if $cpu == 0 Then
    FileWriteLine($log,"Average CPU Usage In Percentage: "&$cpu1&" %")
    _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel1, $cpu1, 3, 4)
  FileWriteLine($log,"Total Physical RAM In MB: "&Round($total[1]/1024,2)&" MB")
  _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel1, Round($total[1]/1024,2), 3, 7)
  FileWriteLine($log,"Average Memory Usage In MB: "&$mem&" MB")
  _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel1, $mem, 3, 5)
  _ExcelBookClose($oExcel1, 1, 0) 


 Func Process($strProcess = "Idle", $iSampleTime = 500, $sComputerName = @ComputerName)
  if $strProcess = "" then $strProcess = "Idle"
  if $iSampleTime = "" AND IsString($iSampleTime) then $iSampleTime = 500
  if $sComputerName = "" then $sComputerName = @ComputerName
   if not IsDeclared("iP1") AND $iSampleTime = 0 then
    $bFirstTimeInLoopMode = 1
    $bFirstTimeInLoopMode = 0
   if not IsDeclared("iP1") then
    assign("iP1", 0, 2) 
    assign("iT1", 0, 2)
  $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $sComputerName & "\root\CIMV2")
  if @error then return -2
   if number($strProcess) then 
    $strProcess = " WHERE IDProcess = '" & $strProcess & "'"
    $strProcess = " WHERE Name = '" & $strProcess & "'"

  if $iSampleTime OR $bFirstTimeInLoopMode = 1 then
        $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process" & $strProcess)
 For $objItem In $colItems
            $iT1 = $objItem.TimeStamp_Sys100NS
            $iP1 = $objItem.PercentProcessorTime

        if  $objItem = "" then return -1
  $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process" & $strProcess)

    For $objItem In $colItems
        $iP2 = $objItem.PercentProcessorTime
        $iT2 = $objItem.TimeStamp_Sys100NS  

  if  $objItem = "" then return -1
  $iPP = ($iP2 - $iP1)
  $iTT = ($iT2 - $iT1)
  if $iTT = 0 Then return 100

  $iCPU = round( ($iPP/$iTT) * 100, 0)
  $iP1 = $iP2
  $iT1 = $iT2
  Return $iCPU